My mid-life desires

In mid-life, I long to inhabit my own dignity.

To wear it like a presence unknown.


The way I walk, the way I hold myself, the way that I sit, and speak or not.


In mid-life, I finally want to come into my own.

To wear my dignity with ease and composure.


The way that I look at you, hear you, and talk about you or not.


In mid-life, I desire to be respected and honored all for who I am.

To wear my self-esteem with confidence and brilliance.


The way that I look at myself with affection, understanding, and respect.


In mid-life, I no longer want to look out there for me, but deep within.

To honor my self, and to love who I am with concern and worthiness like a lover loves his love.


In mid-life, I want to bloom into the grace and graciousness that is all mine to claim.

To look deep into my heart and embrace the love and light that shines for all those who seek.


In mid-life, I want to wear my spirit held deep within, as my outer cloak, never to be robbed of again, only to be held like a precious gem.


In mid-life, I finally want to belong to myself letting my soul sing freely to you.




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