Hail Mary, full of grace!

And he came to Mary and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you.”  Luke 1:28

A beautiful woman full of favor.

You suffered most of all.

You did not lose your faith.

You trusted in God’s promises.

The most favored, suffer.

You were there for this beautiful woman

during her most difficult times.

Why do I doubt that You have been there for me

during mine?

I have suffered and thought You had left.

But, if I look back,

to all those that you favored

they too suffered a great deal.

They had faith.

Your very own Son suffered so.

Yet You sustained him.

I must have faith in You.

And, remember that although I have suffered,

You have always been there holding me gently.

I am just resting in Your grace,

as a favored child.

Just as the most favored Mary did.

Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with Thee!

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